Episode 10 – What the 2020 Election Means for the Snack Industry

In this Episode

With more than 25 years of experience in legislation and policy development in food and agriculture, Michael Torrey unpacks the 2020 election results and what they mean for the snack industry. Through the lens of a likely split Congress, Torrey provides an update on the undecided races, including the pending Georgia Senate runoff and the 12 remaining races in the House. Currently, Republicans only need one seat to maintain control of the Senate.

Torrey shares his views on the how a Biden Administration might return to nutrition issues, as well as address climate change, liability protection and prioritize economic development and job creation as part of COVID-19 recovery.

Torrey closes by discussing the snack industry’s active partnership with the hunger community, the overall resilience of SNAC members when faced with challenges from COVID-19 hardships to partnerships with newly elected officials: “We have member companies in urban and rural districts where a lot of these conversations occur. The great thing about SNAC member companies is that as an industry, they are incredibly impressive in their willingness to engage at the state and local levels telling their stories. With many new faces in Congress, we’re going to have to continue to make new friends and to tell our stories.”

SNAC Cast episode 10

Michael Torrey, Principal and Founder, Michael Torrey Associates and SNAC Legislative Consultant

“So, what needs to happen? It’s not Congress, it’s each of us in our own way. You change the world, and you change the country one person at a time. Somehow, we need to find a way to understand that winning an election isn’t getting 100% — winning is compromise. “

Michael Torrey

About the Speaker

As principal and founder of Michael Torrey Associates, Michael Torrey provides overall firm guidance and management, fosters relationships with influential leaders in Congress and the administration, leads client development efforts and handles issues management for clients.

A Kansas native, Torrey has more than 25 years experience in legislative and regulatory policy development, fiscal management, issue analysis, lobbying strategy, communications and association management. He specializes in food, agriculture, risk management and financial services. He has served as advisor to presidential candidate and Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole, an advisor to Senators Nancy Landon Kassebaum and Sheila Frahm, deputy chief of staff at USDA, special assistant at the Commodity Future Trading Commission, and has served in numerous roles for state and national trade associations including the International Dairy Foods Association and Kansas Grain and Feed Association/Kansas Fertilizer and Chemical Association.

Torrey leveraged his knowledge of the food and agriculture sectors and strong bipartisan relationships throughout Capitol Hill, the White House and government agencies to found Michael Torrey Associates in 2005. Under Torrey’s leadership, the firm serves many major food, agriculture and financial clients, and provides association management services for the Crop Insurance and Reinsurance Bureau.

Torrey was raised on a diversified farming operation. He graduated from Kansas State University in 1986 with a B.S. in agricultural education and, in 2009, was named Outstanding Young Ag Alumnus. He lives in Arlington, Virginia with his wife and daughter.