Snack Industry Rising Stars Connect at SNAC's Emerging Leaders Program
Developing Exceptional Leaders
SNAC International’s Emerging Leaders Program led by faculty from the prestigious Georgetown University, invites graduates of Emerging Leaders 1.0 and senior-level nominees to accelerate their professional development with a “next-level” program featuring discussions on leadership, communication and negotiation skills. The program is most appropriate for individuals with managerial experience as attendees will learn trends and challenges in the work place and how to take team members to the next level.
An Illustrious Educational Experience
Held in collaboration with Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business in Washington, D.C., SNAC International has collaborated with Georgetown faculty to create this unique professional development program.
SNAC International’s Emerging Leaders Program 2.0 helps rising leaders develop the necessary skills to continue their professional development journey including:
- Driving Collaboration and Innovation
- Cultivating Networks and Partnerships
- Inspiring Your Team to Greatness
- Mastering Decision Dynamics
Who Should Attend
- Graduates of Emerging Leaders Program 1.0
- Senior-level managers nominated by their company

Request to Register
Please email both Christina Briones and Nick Kulis to indicate your interest in participating and include your name, company, title, address, and phone number.
The program has a limited capacity of 50 participants.*
- SNAC Business Members may register up to (2) participants
- SNAC Associate Members may register (1) participant
- SNAC International Members may register (1) participant
*Current SNAC members and non-members are both asked to provide credit card information to confirm registration. If any attendee cancels within 14 days of the event or is a no-show, they will be charged a $99.00 cancellation fee. Credit cards will NOT be charged if a member attends the event or cancels prior to September 26, 2023.
Hotel Reservations: The Madison Hotel in DC
1177 15th Street NW, Washington, DC 20005
Discounted rate: $219 per night
Reservations can be made online or by calling 877-532-7984 and requesting “2023 SNAC Emerging Leaders Program”.

9:00am - 5:00pm
9:00 - 3:15pm
Welcome Reception and Dinner
Meet in hotel lobby at 6:10pm to walk to reception and dinner.
9:00am - 5:00pm
8:00 – 9:00am | Breakfast
9:00 – 11:00am | Teamwork in Action: Collaborate to Innovate — Professor Robert Bies
For you and your organization to thrive, not just survive, in the 21st century, you must be quick, flexible, and open to new ideas and approaches, which will require collaboration and innovation. In this session, we will identify leadership strategies for collaboration and innovation—and keeping people focused on mission success.
11:00 – 11:15am | Break
11:15am – Noon | State of the Industry — David Walsh, VP of Membership & Communications, SNAC International
Noon – 1:00pm | Lunch
1:00 – 5:00pm | Leadership Legacy: Coaching the Next Generation and Difficult Decisions in Dynamic Times — Professor Sam Potolicchio
This session focuses on establishing an effective leadership legacy. How will we ensure that our organizations continue to elevate after we can no longer contribute? Focusing on how to spot, recruit and inspire talent, this session also outlines communication lessons that are particularly tailored to uplifting and motivating developing and emerging leaders in a workplace that is increasingly fluid and remote.
9:00 - 3:15pm
8:00 – 9:00am | Breakfast
9:00am – 12:00pm | Emerging Coaches: Approaches to Success — Dr. Mary D’Amato
Continuing to focus on Emerging Leaders as Emerging Coaches, we will review the necessary skills needed to be a Coaching Leader. We will do an informal analysis of what coaching techniques you tried, what worked and what didn’t, and what you want help with. As we discuss your experience, we will explore, list and share your favorite “coaching questions and approaches.”
We will focus on three areas coaching leaders must address:
S.I.P. – Support – Improvement – Professional Development
And what is one of the most challenging aspects of being a Coaching Leader? It’s the fact that we have 5 generations working at the same time in a variety of onsite and WFH situations. We need to examine the 5 generations, their somewhat unique coaching needs and how to use basic coaching approaches can make you an excellent Coaching Leader.
Noon – 1:00pm | Lunch
1:00pm – 3:00pm | Managing Relationships at Work: Building and Maintaining Trust — Professor Robert Bies
Trust in you and your leadership is critical for achieving mission success. We will identify the “enemies” of trust (e.g., incomplete communication, inconsistent standards) and strategies for (re)building trust in you and your leadership.
3:00 – 3:15pm | Survey, Closing Remarks, and Distribution of Certificates
About the Presenters
Robert J. Bies, Ph.D., Stanford University, is Professor of Management and Founder and First Academic Director of the Executive Master’s in Leadership Program at the McDonough School of Business at Georgetown University. He is currently the Academic Director of the Executive Master’s in Leadership Program for D.C. Public School Leaders. Professor Bies’ current research focuses on leadership, the delivery of bad news, organizational justice, and revenge and forgiveness in the workplace.
Dr. Sam Potolicchio was named one of “America’s Best Professors” by the Princeton Review, the Future Leader of American Higher Education by the Association of Colleges and Universities and was also profiled in a cover story on his leadership curriculum by Newsweek Japan as the “Best Professor in America”. Potolicchio is the Founding Executive Director of American Councils For International Education’s Center for Global Leadership and President of the Preparing Global Leaders Forum.
Potolicchio also teaches in Executive Education EMBA programs at the McDonough School of Business at Georgetown and at the Mannheim Business School (Germany). He is a visiting lecturer at University of Bologna (Italy) and teaches two classes (US Political Systems and Preparing to Be President) to Georgetown University undergraduates.
He is a columnist for Newsweek Japan, a Distinguished Global Scholar at the Canterbury School of Fort Myers, and the lecturer on Leadership at the Library of Congress for COIL, an international leadership program of the United States Congress.
Potolicchio has served as the Distinguished University Professor, Department Chairman and Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Political Science at RANEPA, Director of Global and Custom Education at Georgetown University’s McCourt School of Public Policy, a visiting Professor at NYU’s DC campus and co-taught with Senator Richard Lugar at UIndy’s Semester in Washington Program.
Potolicchio has delivered lectures in over 85 countries, from Oxford, LSE, Cambridge and Yale to Iraq’s Komar University and Donetsk State University. As a middle-school basketball coach he led his Little Hoyas to 6 league titles and previously served as a 5th grade Latin teacher, public high school teacher of Law and History and secondary school admissions officer.
B.A. Government, Georgetown; B.A. Psychology, Georgetown; M.T.S. Theology and Culture, Harvard; PRSE, Harvard; MA, Government, Georgetown; PhD, Government, Georgetown.
Mary D’Amato is an International Strategic Leader/Organizational Development Executive with over 20 years’ experience as a strategic business partner in the areas of leadership development, human capital strategy, executive and performance-based coaching, talent management, and organizational development. Mary operates a niche coaching and consulting firm analyzing client issues to quickly identify talent, team, management and leadership gaps; create a strategic framework for addressing them, and a coaching and development program to correct them. With an OD (Organizational Development) perspective, emphasis is on transforming leadership style, interpersonal relationships and communication, and providing practical strategies and processes which improve leadership, employee relations and operational effectiveness.
Mary has a MS Degree in Industrial/Organizational Psychology, is certified with Empower World (an International Coach Federation accredited program), has been trained in Positive Intelligence and is an active member of the Virginia Chapter of the International Coaching Federation, (ICF). She is a Jersey Girl, now living in Virginia, who has lived and worked in five different states, Washington, DC and the Middle East, where she created a coaching program for managers at Georgetown University, Qatar.
Mary has also been an Adjunct Instructor at Georgetown University, where she taught Coaching for HR Professionals for their Master’s program in HR. Previously she was
Adjunct Faculty at Cornell University, Extension Division, New York, NY for sixteen years where she researched, developed and presented two-day intensive courses for Cornell Certification programs in Employee Relations (ER) and Advanced ER, training HR professionals and managers in coaching and counseling, strategic partnering and team building. Mary has also designed and teaches a Coaching and Consulting process used by managers in several industries including but not limited to education, manufacturing, media, finance and healthcare.