SNAC Members Engage and Educate Washington, D.C. on Industry Priorities at 2019 Legislative Summit

On June 20, 55 SNAC members met with over 120 Members of Congress and their staffs to discuss snack industry priorities during the Legislative Summit, which annually brings leading snack producers and suppliers from around the country to Washington, DC. Attendees learned about the industry’s most pressing issues, discussed how the issues impact their businesses with policymakers on Capitol Hill, and shared ways to make a difference. SNAC’s priority issues included:

  • Establishing risk-based criteria for state labeling mandates
  • Implementing achievable sodium reduction policy
  • Creating additional pathways for new entrants into the workforce, particularly drivers and manufacturing jobs

“I had a great experience being in the Nation’s Capital surrounded by our industry’s leaders at SNAC’s Legislative Summit,” said first-time attendee Justin Spannuth, VP/COO, Unique Pretzel Bakery. “It gave me the ability to have casual, conversations with them in a setting where we were not competitors, but we were an alliance working together toward a common goal. It was a great opportunity to become fully aware of the issues and share our knowledge and experiences with legislators.”

On June 19, SNAC’s member committees, including its Government Affairs Committee, met in-person followed by the SNAC Attack Reception, an annual favorite on Capitol Hill. The SNAC Attack provided a venue for Members of Congress, staffers and SNAC members to network, have fun and sample the latest snack products from around the nation.

“The SNAC Legislative Summit is a great opportunity to build relationships with representatives in Washington,” said Daryl Thomas, SVP Sales and Marketing, Herr Foods and Chairman of SNAC’s Government Affairs Committee. “The event allows us to raise our unified voice in support of helpful and commonsense policy that has a major impact on our members.”



Susan Page, the Washington Bureau Chief of USA Today, has covered six White House administrations and ten presidential elections, and interviewed the past nine presidents from Richard Nixon through Donald Trump.
Page is also the author of The Matriarch, the untold story of Barbara Bush defining two presidencies and an entire political era through recounts of her public and private lives. At the dinner, Page explored Bush’s career and how she uncovered the story of one of America’s most influential women. This dinner was for Silver Level SnackPAC Donors ($500 and above). 
Learn more about SnackPAC, the snack industry’s sole political action committee, by contacting Jessica Hixson at